The corporate world today requires such a fast pace of work and such complex and multilateral activity that the work day lasts well over the eight hours. If the employer is also listed on the stock exchange with over-sized profit targets or simply too few employees for their workload, the employee often pays the price in personal time and inner peace..
Burnout in the workplace
I recently worked with a client in a managerial position at a corporation. After nine meetings on the same day, studying performance indicators and the optimization of the marketing strategy, he arrives home lashes out at his wife and children and ends up lying on the couch, stressed, irritated and overwhelmed. He knows that the next day will be just the same.
It's no wonder. Climbing the corporate career ladder these days can result in the renunciation of one's own person. We have to continually prove that we are made for the job, we must ensure our place, be irreplaceable, our very best. Perfect.
The Pursuit of Perfection
I have also met young people who call themselves corporates, who are dynamic, smart, with a great work energy and power and high ambitions, who present themselves as if they had found the optimal formula for a perfect work-life balance. Many of them take part in sport competitions, run countless marathons or go to bike challenges. Everywhere it's about performance, target and deadline.And there is nothing wrong with that ... as long as the pursuit of perfection and outcomes doesn't start to suffocate you..
At the ultimate level, perfection is what we all strive towards as humans. It is expressed in various ways and its interpretation is subjective. But the immense pressure we place ourselves under in pursuit of perfection is what becomes harmful. Often accompanied by comparison, it suppresses spontaneity, creativity, flexibility, and adaptability. It destroys our inner peace.
We want so badly to present as successful, fulfilled and happy. Although inside we may be shaken by anxieties or fears, often subjecting ourselves to this pressure of projecting perfection. We chase everything that is more and better instead of stopping for a moment and recognizing that we are imperfect.
Imperfect but sincere, authentic and constantly improving and transforming!
It is perfectly fine to be imperfect, but sincere, authentic and serene than to present the false image of perfection!
You don't have to be able to do everything and you don't have to prove to anyone that you handle complex situations masterfully. There is nothing to show or prove! But what really pays off is the inner peace - even in the wake of intricate events - authenticity and continuous transformation..
So take a deep breath now and enjoy this moment exactly as you are!
You can learn to cultivate authenticity and inner peace. Get in touch and let's talk about it!
Chestiunile cu cei ce sunt manageri este f discutabila. Eu nu am vazut in adevaratul cuvant, cel putin in Romania o astfel de persoana. Foarte multi se comporta exact ca in situatia asta: „Fa asta, fa aia…” Unii chiar uita de fisele posturilor, de responsabilitatile pe care le au. Ciudat caz prezentat. Marea majoritate a managelilor stiu si au preluat doar principle corporatiste, in mare doar de dat din gura, responsabilitati si asumari cam deloc. Este prima oara cand aud un manager suparat ca o duce bine. Daca nu o duce bine pe de alta parte nu cred ca se va vindeca. Puterea de a fi in varf si a conduce este mult prea frumoasa in viziunea multora din manageri. Acestia sunt focusati doar pe…cariera. Foarte corect. Imperfectiunea este si acest lucru: nu poti avea pe toate, nu poti intelege aproapele…uneori nu se inteleg nici pe ei. Complicat subiect, dar una peste alta unii nu vor lasa ce au pentru ce nu au, si am zis de ce…
Buna ziua, Radu! In multe situatii este asa cum descrieti dumneavoastra, insa in ultimii ani remarc o crestere foarte mare a preocuparii managerilor pentru dezvoltarea personala, chiar spiritualitate; atentia exclusiva asupra carierei nemaifiind suficienta. Este chiar o noua tendinta acum in mediul de business, cu numele de business spirituality, lasand astfel sa se intrevada aceasta preocupare in crestere pentru mai mult decat propria cariera si propriul venit.
Analistii trendurilor sociale includ aceste tendinte in topul trendurilor acestui deceniu. Ramane sa vedem cum vor evolua aceste tendinte in timp, mai ales intr-o perioada cu atat de multe provocari ca cea in care ne aflam acum.