Cel mai adesea considerăm vulnerabilitatea o slăbiciune pe care o cosmetizăm în fel și chip, ascunzându-ne sub false aparențe și arătându-ne puternici și încrezători în timp ce ea ne roade efectiv din interior precum roade viermele mărul Ne spunem atunci […]...
Ultimele luni au adus o foarte mare schimbare în viețile noastre, ale tuturor Mare parte din ceea ce era rutinat și de la sine înțeles a devenit inaccesibil astfel încât a apărut necesitatea unei rapide adaptări la un alt ritm […]...
De ce trebuie să facem câțiva pași înapoi și să repornim având scop și sens În ultimul deceniu a existat un interes semnificativ pentru găsirea unui scop în leadership care a condus gradat la noua tendință din leadership având […]...
Toate canalele de socializare abundă acum de informații și sfaturi referitoare la modul în care să facem față conjuncturilor inedite, adesea perturbatoare în care ne regăsim Cum am putea aduce însă un plus de valoare, amploare și culoare vieții cotidiene, […]...
Whenever we hear the word revolution, we first think of a significant political change that happens in a short time, often accompanied by violence that shakes an existing social system, rearranging it. [...]
The corporate world today requires such a fast pace of work and such complex and multilateral activity that the work day lasts well over the eight hours. If the employer is also listed on the stock exchange with over-sized profit targets or simply too few employees for their workload [...]
One of my favourite pieces of advice is “Don’t pull on the grass when you want it to grow, because it won't grow any faster”. What a beautiful representation of the importance of patience, in any form; of patience with everything around us, our loved ones, and especially with [...]
The speed and stress of modern living is palpable. The pace of life increases as technology, science and knowledge evolve. I often look at the children of today and I cannot help but compare them with those of my generation [...]
We all learn about the importance of hygiene from an early childhood. We learn to wash our hands before meals, brush our teeth, keep our bodies clean, then move on to the control of the cleanliness of the nails at school, of the good order and condition of clothes [...]
We have done so many things over time ... And many things we set out to do; maybe we started, but didn't finish them ... for whatever reason. What is the unfinished business that you’ve promised to solve today, tomorrow, this summer [...]
Thousands, perhaps even millions of people have meditated over time on the meaning of life. Countless books, academic papers and musings have been written and yet, although it is a subject so much studied, it remains for each of us a topical subject [...]